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Posts in trancendence
Introducing My Colleague and Consulting Staff Member, Katherine Gerardi

She is a grounding force of peace in the midst of chaos, and is also known for being 'The One Conversation Transformation' Expert who has powerful 'Same Day Results' tools for clearing emotional energy blocks, restoring momentum, converting fear into action and problem solving with Goddess/Oracle insight and Intuition fully engaged.

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VoiceAmerica Podcast Interview of Greg Frucci by Destin Gerek of The Evolved Masculine

September 08, 2016: When Adventure Calls: Sailing Solo into the Bermuda Triangle...
Have you ever wanted to leave it all behind and take off on an Adventure? This is the story of how a man became a fulcrum for transformation and how the driving need of men for adventure changed a life forever.

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Stay True To Your Internal Compass: "Run Toward That Which Scares You" Part Eight

Sometimes we have a realization of how powerful a place can be. We do not know at the time how impactful it will be to our Core as we grow. We do not learn that aspect of a place until a period of time flows into the future...unless of course, someone is there to activate this knowing. The result is is a gradual revelation that a place will never leave you. 

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